Wheel Offset Calculator
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What is Wheel Offset?
Wheel offset is the distance in millimeters from the center line of the wheel to the mounting surface. If the mounting surface is closer to the face of the wheel it is known to have a positive offset and if the mounting point is closer to the inside of the wheel it has a negative offset. Center or no offset is when the mounting point is directly on the centerline of the wheel.
What is Wheel Backspacing?
Wheel backspacing is the distance in inches from the mounting surface to the inside edge of the wheel. A wheel's width is from the mounting points of the tire beads, therefore the measured width of a wheel from outside edge to outside edge is about an inch wider than spec. An 8" wheel will measure 9" from side to side, this makes converting offset to backspacing not so straight forward. If an 8" wheel has a center offset the backspacing is not 4", it is actually 4.5".
Featured Wheel Brands
Check out these featured brands here at Need 4 Speed. We carry these wheels brands and many others that you can style your ride with! We have Wheel & Tire Packages we can set you up with to make your shopping experience a one-stop experience. Our sales team is ready to answer ANY questions you may have. We're proud to be one of the fewest that we guarantee your fitment! Having been in business for well over 20 years, trust that you are in the best of hands!